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  1. 1.北京长城计量测试技术研究所,北京,100095
  • 出版日期:2021-01-10 发布日期:2021-01-20
  • 基金资助:

Development of Excitation Sources for Liquid High Frequency Sinusoidal Pressure Based on Piezoelectric Stack

LI Bo1;YANG Jun1;ZHANG Heyu1;ZHANG Zhaojing2;GONG Zheng3   

  1. 1.Changcheng Institute of Metrology & Measurement,Beijing,100095
    2.Beijing Institute of Precise Mechatronics and Controls,Beijing,100076
    3.Beijing North Vehicle Group Corporation,Beijing,100072
  • Online:2021-01-10 Published:2021-01-20

摘要: 利用压电叠堆驱动封闭管腔中液体介质进行正弦运动,以实现液压管腔中压力的正弦变化。依据压电叠堆的压电效应和管腔谐振原理,设计了单压电叠堆和双压电叠堆两种结构形式的高频正弦压力激励源,并对两种装置进行了对比。研究结果表明:双压电叠堆式装置产生正弦压力的方式新颖,工作频率高达30 kHz,产生的正弦压力幅值大,正弦波形失真度小,且在同一频率下可调节正弦压力幅值与波形,可满足压力传感器和测试系统对动态压力的计量与校准需求。

关键词: 压电叠堆, 正弦压力, 谐振原理, 动态压力

Abstract: The sinusoidal motions of liquid in sealed cavity were driven by piezoelectric stack to realize the sinusoidal changes of pressure in hydraulic cavities. According to the piezoelectric effect and cavity resonance principle, the excitation sources of high frequency sinusoidal pressure with single piezoelectric stack and double piezoelectric stacks were designed, the two devices were compared. The results show that the double piezoelectric stacking device with a novel way of generating sinusoidal pressure may generate a large sinusoidal pressure amplitude and a small sinusoidal distortion. The working frequency of the device is up to 30 kHz. The amplitude and waveform of sinusoidal pressure may be adjusted at the same frequency. The device may meet the measurement and calibration requirements for dynamic pressures of pressure sensors and testing systems.

Key words: piezoelectric stack, sinusoidal pressure, resonance principle, dynamic pressure
