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  1. 1. 湖南磁浮交通发展股份有限公司,长沙,410000
    2. 中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司,武汉,430062
    3. 广州精信仪表电器有限公司,广州,510507
  • 出版日期:2021-02-25 发布日期:2021-03-05
  • 基金资助:

Design and Implementation of Maglev Trains Levitation Data Acquisition System

YANG Fan1;LI Jingwei2;LI Yiguo3;BI Tao2   

  1. 1. Hunan Maglev Transportation Development Co., Ltd.,Changsha,410000
    2. China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan,430062
    3. Guangzhou Jingxin Instrument Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., Guangzhou,510507
  • Online:2021-02-25 Published:2021-03-05

摘要: 磁浮列车的舒适性和安全可靠性主要取决于车辆的悬浮控制系统,悬浮控制系统是磁浮列车的关键部件之一。设计了一种中低速磁浮列车悬浮状态数据采集系统,该系统独立于列车悬浮控制器,数据采集器固定在磁浮列车底部悬浮架上,不影响行车安全,能实现对悬浮电流、电磁铁温度、悬浮间隙、悬浮架振动加速度和传感器信号等数据的采集和分析,为研究悬浮控制系统对线路条件、车辆动静态载荷、极端气候的适应性以及悬浮控制设备的可靠性提供了基础研究数据。

关键词: 磁浮列车, 悬浮间隙, 加速度, 数据采集与处理

Abstract: The comfort and safety and reliability of maglev train mainly depended on the suspension control system, which was one of the key components of maglev trains. A data acquisition system in suspension states was designed for medium and low speed maglev trains,the system was independent of the train suspension control systems. The data collector was fixed on the suspension frame at the bottom of the maglev trains, which didnt affect the traffic safety. The suspension current, electromagnet temperature, suspension clearance, suspension frame vibration acceleration and sensor signal data were collected and analyzed by the system. The basic research data are provided for studying adaptability of suspension control system to line conditions, vehicle dynamic and static loads, extreme climate and the reliability of suspension control equipment.

Key words: maglev train, suspension clearance, acceleration, data acquisition and processing
