中国机械工程 ›› 2022, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (21): 2590-2600.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-132X.2022.21.008

• 生产组织与控制 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室,重庆,400044
  • 出版日期:2022-11-10 发布日期:2022-11-23
  • 通讯作者: 宋豫川(通信作者),男,1973年生,教授、博士研究生导师。研究方向为制造系统工程、智能制造及装备等。发表论文150余篇。。
  • 作者简介:孙爱红,女,1997年生,硕士研究生。研究方向为智能优化算法、生产调度。。
  • 基金资助:

Dual Resource-constrained Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Algorithm Considering Machining Quality of Key Jobs

SUN Aihong;SONG Yuchuan;YANG Yunfan;LEI Qi   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmission,Chongqing University,Chongqing,400044
  • Online:2022-11-10 Published:2022-11-23

摘要: 在工人异质性和机床类型多样的资源约束型车间中,针对资源抢占使加工质量向非关键件倾斜从而导致关键件加工质量无法保障的情况,建立了以完工时间为主要优化目标,以关键件加工质量、整体加工质量为辅助优化目标的双资源(工人/机床)约束柔性作业车间调度问题模型,并提出一种两级嵌套蚁群算法。首先采用工件候选集、资源候选集生成满足关键件加工要求的可行调度解;然后为工序寻找更合适的开工时间,针对机床类型、人机时窗差异设计了基于时窗的活动调度策略以提高算法的局部寻优能力;进而提出了一种保质策略,使关键件和总体工件加工质量水平持续提高;最后,通过算例测试验证了保质策略和两级嵌套蚁群算法的有效性。

关键词: 双资源约束柔性作业车间调度问题, 加工质量, 时窗, 两级嵌套蚁群算法

Abstract:  In the resource constrained job shops with heterogeneous workers and diverse machine tool types, aiming at the situation that resource preemption made the machining quality tilt to non-key jobs and resulted in the machining quality of key jobs could not be guaranteed, a dual resource(worker/machine) constrained flexible job shop scheduling problem was established, which taken the completion time as main objective, and the machining quality of key parts and the overall machining quality as auxiliary objectives. And then, a two-level nested ant colony algorithm was proposed to solve the problem. Firstly, the candidate sets of jobs and resources were used to generate feasible scheduling solutions to meet the requirements of key jobs processing quality. Secondly, according to the difference of machine types and man-machine time windows, based on time windows an activity scheduling strategy was designed to find a more suitable starting time for the operations, and the local optimization ability of the algorithm was improved. Then, a quality assurance strategy was proposed to improve the quality of key jobs and overall jobs. Finally, the performance of the two-level nesting ant colony algorithm and the quality assurance strategy was verified by a numerical example. 

Key words: dual resource constrained flexible job shop, machining quality, time window, two-level nested ant colony algorithm
