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Research on Synchronous Structure Decoupling of Electro-hydraulic Load Simulators

LI Geqiang1,3;LIU Wei1;HAN Weifeng2;DENG Xiaozhong1,3   

  1. 1.School of Mechatronics Engineering,Henan University of Science and Technology,Luoyang,Henan,471003
    2.State Key Laboratory of Shield Machine and Boring Technology,Zhengzhou,450001
    3.Collaborative Innovation Center of Machinery Equipment Advanced Manufacturing of Henan Province,Luoyang,Henan,471003
  • Online:2017-12-25 Published:2017-12-21
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51175148)



  1. 1.河南科技大学机电工程学院,洛阳,471003
  • 基金资助:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51175148)

Abstract: In order to study the extra torque problems of EHLSs, taking the valve control swing motor of EHLS as an object, a new principle of synchronous structure coupling was proposed, which was based on the analyses of the extra torque mechanism and influence factors. The concrete way was to design the load actuator into a compound bilayer structure, where the outer synchronous motor was used to track the bearing motor for position synchronization control, and the inner motor was used to load. Through the load actuator of the compound structure, the passive loads were modified into active loads, and the problems of extra torque were solved fundamentally. The principles of parameter matching, the design of the seals and the structures of the compound swing motors were given, and the rationality of the oil duct in the inner and outer motors was simulated and tested. Finally, through simulation analysis of EHLS under small gradient loading, the correctness and effectiveness of synchronous structure decoupling were verified.

Key words: electro-hydraulic load simulator(EHLS), extra torque, synchronous structure decoupling, compound swing motor

摘要: 针对电液负载模拟器中的多余力矩问题,以阀控摆动马达电液负载模拟器为对象,在分析研究多余力矩产生机理及影响因素的基础上,提出一种同步结构解耦新方法,具体实现是将加载执行元件设计成复式双层结构,外层同步马达用于跟踪承载对象进行位置同步控制,内层马达用于加载,通过复式结构加载执行元件实现变被动加载为主动加载,从根本上解决了多余力矩问题。给出了复式摆动马达的参数匹配原则、密封及结构设计方案,仿真分析了内外层马达油道配流方式的合理性。最后,通过小梯度加载下电液负载模拟器性能的仿真分析验证了同步结构解耦新方法的正确性及有效性。

关键词: 电液负载模拟器, 多余力矩, 同步结构解耦, 复式摆动马达

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