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A Modified Optimality Criterion Method Based on Contrast Enhancement for Gray Scale Suppression

XU Xiaokui;GUO Baofeng;JIN Miao   

  1. Key Laboratory of Advanced Forging & Stamping Technology and Science,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao,Hebei,066004
  • Online:2017-12-25 Published:2017-12-21
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51575474)
    Hebei Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. E2015203220)



  1. 燕山大学先进锻压成形技术与科学教育部重点实验室,秦皇岛,066004
  • 基金资助:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51575474)
    Hebei Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. E2015203220)

Abstract: In order to suppress gray scale elements in density-based topology optimization, two kinds of contrast enhancement operators were proposed based on contrast enhancement strategy and introduced into the iterative calculation to modify the optimality criteria method. The contrast enhancement operator might enlarge the gray scale differences of the elements, drive the intermediate densities to the two ends of the range, and finally make the results convergence to the 0/1 material distribution. The effects of the proposed method were investigated with classical numerical examples. The results show that the optimization results with crisp boundaries are obtained by applying the proposed method.

Key words: topology optimization, contrast enhancement, gray element, optimality criteria method

摘要: 为了抑制变密度法拓扑优化结果中的灰度单元,基于对比度增强策略,提出了两种形式的对比度增强算子,引入到优化准则法迭代计算中,对优化准则法进行了改进。对比度增强算子能够拉大单元灰度差别,驱动中间密度向两极进行分化,最终使优化收敛于0/1材料分布状态。采用典型数值算例对该方法进行了验证,计算结果表明,该方法能够得到拓扑结构清晰的优化结果。

关键词: 拓扑优化, 对比度增强, 灰度单元, 优化准则法

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