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Theoretical Analyses and Experimental Studies for Riveting and Assembly Processes of Automotive Hub Bearing Units

YANG Jun1;YANG Yunsong1;LI Wei1;XIAO Yunya2;ZHOU Zhixiong1   

  1. 1.College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering,Hunan University,Changsha,410082
    2.School of Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering,Shaoguan University,Shaoguan,Hunan,512005
  • Online:2017-12-25 Published:2017-12-21
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51575358)
    Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 2015A030313749)



  1. 1.湖南大学机械与运载工程学院,长沙,410082
  • 基金资助:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51575358)
    Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 2015A030313749)

Abstract: The theoretical analyses and experimental study for riveting and assembly processes of automotive hub bearing units were conducted. The theoretical calculation model of riveting and assembly forces and the finite element analysis model of riveting and assembly processes were established to study the effects of trajectories, inclination angles and duration times of the final riveting phase of the rivet head on riveting and assembly quality. The results show the riveting and assembly quality is optimal under processing parameters including a circumference trace, an inclination angle of 6° and a final riveting duration time of 0.8s of a rivet heat. Taking DAC2F10 automotive hub bearing unit as an example, it was assembled by the special machine tool developed by authors for riveting and assembly. The experiments show the theoretical calculation model of riveting and assembly forces and the finite element analysis model of riveting and assembly processees are rational. And the inclination angle of rivet head is optimized as 5.5°. The prototype automotive hub bearing unit is manufactured by the optimized riveting and assembly processes and the maximum service life examined by durability tests is nearly 200 000km, which shows the optimized riveting and assembly processes herein may greatly enhance the working life and reliability of automotive hub bearing units.

Key words: hub bearing, rotary forging, riveting assembly, processing parameter, service life

摘要: 对轿车轮毂轴承单元的铆装工艺进行了理论分析和试验研究。建立了铆装力理论计算模型与铆装工艺有限元分析模型,研究了铆头轨迹、倾角和停留时间等工艺参数对铆装质量的影响,得出采用圆周轨迹、铆头倾角6°和停留时间0.8s时铆装质量最好的结论。以DAC2F10轿车轮毂轴承单元为例,在课题组开发的铆合装配专用机床上进行了铆装试验,验证了铆装力理论模型和铆装工艺有限元模型的合理性,并进一步优化铆头倾角为5.5°。采用所优化的铆装工艺试制出了轮毂轴承单元样件,耐久性试验测试最高使用寿命近2×105km,表明得出的铆装优化工艺能大幅提高轮毂轴承单元的使用寿命和可靠性。

关键词: 轮毂轴承, 摆动碾压, 铆合装配, 工艺参数, 使用寿命

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