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Experimental Research on Hydraulic Power Units of Motor-Flywheel-Pumps

LUO Wanxian;CHEN Baijin;YAN Xiaopeng   

  1. State Key laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, 430074
  • Online:2018-06-10 Published:2018-06-08



  1. 华中科技大学材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室,武汉,430074
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Concerning the high installed powers of forging hydraulic presses and large amount of powers wasted by the system, an energy-saving hydraulic unit was proposed.The pump was actuated by a flywheel driven by a three-phase induction motor which was controlled by frequency conversion, and the controller regulated the flywheel to store and release energies.Flywheel stored energy in light load stages, and released energy in full load phases.Theoretical and experimental researches were carried out, and the relationships of forming energies, motor powers and motor speeds in different work speeds were obtained.The experimental results show that the power unit may decrease 30% installed power at least, and hydraulic press works stably.

Key words: save energy, hydraulic press, flywheel, variable frequency speed control

摘要: 针对锻造液压机装机功率大、能量损失严重的问题,设计出一种节能型液压动力单元,通过变频器控制异步电机带动飞轮驱动油泵。控制器控制飞轮能量的储存与释放,低负载阶段时,电机带动飞轮储存能量;高负载做功时,电机与飞轮同时释放能量。对动力单元进行了理论与实验研究,得到不同转速下,成形能量、电机功率、电机转速与时间的关系。实验结果表明:较普通液压动力系统,该动力系统装机功率至少降低30%,且对液压机的动作影响不大。

关键词: 节能, 液压机, 飞轮, 变频调速

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