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A Vehicle Scheduling Model for Trailer Pick-up Transport Based on Modified C-W Saving Algorithm

ZHANG Di1;ZHONG Ming2;CHEN Long1;LIANG Jun1;GE Huimin1;TAN Jianxiang3   

  1. 1.Automotive Engineering Institute of Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang,Jiangsu,212000
    2.Traffic Police Detachment Traffic Command and Control Center of Zhenjiang Public Security Bureau of Zhenjiang City,Jiangsu Province,Zhenjiang,Jiangsu,212000
    3.Zhenjiang Xingang International Logistics Co.,Ltd.,Zhenjiang,Jiangsu,212000
  • Online:2018-10-10 Published:2018-10-08



  1. 1.江苏大学汽车工程研究院,镇江,212000

Abstract: In order to study the model of trailer pick-up transport vehicle scheduling, the minimum objective function of fuel costs, toll costs, loading and unloading costs and delay penalty costs was built, based on the vehicle delivery mode which with time windows. Based on the different load-bearing fuel consumption equations, the model of trailer pick-up transport vehicle scheduling was constructed. An improved C-W(Clarke-Wright) saving algorithm was established, and the algorithm was used to find the optimal logistics delivery path of a 9-customers case successfully.

Key words: trailer pick-up transport transport transport vehicle, fuel consumption model, vehicle routing problem, saving algorithm

摘要: 为研究甩挂运输车辆调度模型,以带有时间窗的车辆配送模型为基础,构建了包括油耗成本、过路费成本、装卸停歇时间成本和延时惩罚成本在内的总成本最小目标函数,建立了基于不同载重油耗方程的甩挂运输车辆调度模型。在算法上,构建了改良型的C-W节约算法,并用该算法找出了一个9客户案例的最优物流配送路径。

关键词: 甩挂运输车辆, 油耗模型, 车辆路径规划, 节约算法

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