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Cogging Torque Analysis of Remanufacturing Motors with Hybrid Laminated Stator Core

SONG Shouxu1,2;DU Yi1,2;XU Ke1,2   

  1. 1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Hefei University of Technology,Hefei,230009
    2.Key Laboratory of Green Design and Manufacturing in Machinery Industry,Hefei,230009
  • Online:2018-10-10 Published:2018-10-08
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51575155)



  1. 1.合肥工业大学机械工程学院,合肥,230009
  • 基金资助:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51575155)

Abstract: In order to improve the performances of the remanufactured motors, the stator cores were reconstructed by mixing the amorphous materials and the silicon steel materials. Based on energy method and considering the structural characteristics of the stator hybrid laminated motors, a method for calculating the cogging torques of the stator hybrid laminated motors by using piecewise superposition was proposed to approximate 3D calculation. According to the piecewise superposition method,the segmented reverse skewed slots was used to reduce the cogging torques. Based on Ansoft 3D finite element analysis software, the influences of mixed stacking mode on cogging torques were analyzed, and the performance parameters of motors under different mixing ratios were compared to determine the proportion of materials. Besides,the cogging torque and the no-load electrodynamic force under the determined mixed proportions were analyzed.The results show that the cogging torques of the hybrid motors are independent of the stacking mode but only related to the proportions of the materials. Comparied with the forward skewed slots, the reverse skewed slots have little influences on the motor performances and reduce the cogging torques very well. The simulation results were compared with the superposition calculation results, which verifies the feasibility of the two-dimensional simulation approximate calculation of laminated.

Key words: hybrid laminated stator core, permanent magnet synchronous motor, remanufacture, cogging torque

摘要: 为提高再制造电机的性能,用非晶材料与硅钢材料混合叠压制成再制造电机定子铁心。基于能量法并结合定子混合叠压再制造电机的结构特征,提出以分段叠加算法近似替代三维计算定子混合叠压电机齿槽转矩的方法;基于近似叠加算法,利用分段设置反向斜槽的方法来减小齿槽转矩。应用Ansoft 3D软件分析了混合叠压方式对电机齿槽转矩的影响规律;对比分析了不同混合比例下电机的性能参数,确定了混合叠压的材料比例;对确定混合比例下正反斜槽后电机的齿槽转矩与空载电动势进行了分析。结果表明,定子混合叠压再制造电机的齿槽转矩与叠压方式无关,只与所用材料的比例有关;反向斜槽相比于正向斜槽,在有效减小齿槽转矩的同时,对电机性能的影响较小。将混合仿真与叠加计算结果进行对比,验证了二维叠加近似计算混合叠压的可行性。

关键词: 混合叠压定子铁心, 永磁同步电机, 再制造, 齿槽转矩

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