China Mechanical Engineering ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (16): 1958-1964,1974.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-132X.2023.16.009

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Path Planning Method of Aviation Cables Based on Improved A* Algorithm

SUN Hao1;YUAN Ye2;ZHANG Qi1;ZHANG Xiaobei1   

  1. 1.School of Communication and Information Engineering,Shanghai University,Shanghai,200444
    2.Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute,Shanghai,201210
  • Online:2023-08-25 Published:2023-09-15



  1. 1.上海大学通信与信息工程学院,上海,200444
  • 通讯作者: 张小贝(通信作者),男,1982年生,教授、博士研究生导师。研究方向为光电信息技术。E-mail:。
  • 作者简介:孙浩 ,男,1997年生,硕士研究生。研究方向为航空电气线路互联工程。E-mail:。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: To solve the complex constraints of automatic routing in aviation EWIS, a path planning method was proposed based on improved A* algorithm. Constraints were incorporated into the grid point weights of the grid map including avoiding obstacles, sticking to the structure surfaces, isolating electromagnetism, protecting against heat, isolating crosstalk and merging compatible cables. And the weights were applied for calculating the evaluation function of the improved A* algorithm. Moreover, the bending factor and rigidity factor were introduced to reduce cable bending damage. Finally, curve fitting was performed on the planned cable paths to adapt to the circular fuselage outline of the aircraft. Experimental simulations show that the sticking proportion of the cable path planned by the proposed method is increased by 48.40% on average compared with the one realized by the traditional A* algorithm, the number of bends is reduced by 6.50, and the isolation requirements are all satisfied, which may help EWIS automation and intelligent design upgrade.

Key words:  , aviation electrical wiring interconnection system(EWIS), auto-routing, weight map, improved A* algorithm, curve fitting

摘要: 针对复杂约束下航空电气线路互联系统(EWIS)的自动布线问题,提出将避障、贴壁、隔磁、防热、串扰隔离、兼容线缆合并等约束融入布线栅格地图的栅格点权值中,进而加入到改进A*算法估价函数的计算,同时引入弯折因子和刚性因子,以减少线缆弯折损伤,最后对规划出的线缆路径作拟合曲线处理,以适应飞机的圆形机身轮廓。实验仿真表明,与传统A*算法相比,所提方法规划出的线缆路径贴壁占比平均增加48.40%,弯折个数平均减少6.50个,且均满足隔离要求,有助于EWIS自动化与智能化设计升级。

关键词: 航空电气线路互联系统, 自动布线, 权值地图, 改进A*算法, 拟合曲线

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