A novel three-dimensional translational parallel mechanism,which consisted of a moving platform connecting with a fixed base by 3-CRP orthogonal limbs,was presented.The degree of freedom of the mechanism
was analyzed and computed based on screw theory.The direct and the inverse solutions, singularities and isotropy of the mechanism were investigated respectively in terms of different actuated inputs,i.e., rotary actuation or
linear actuation method. When the actuated joint was rotary actuation, kinematic Jacobian matrix of the manipulator was a diagonal matrix.So it was an uncoupled mechanism.
As the actuated joint was linear one,Jacobian matrix of the manipulator was an identity 3×3 matrix and its determinant was equal to one. Manipulator,therefore,was singularity-free fully-isotropic
throughout the entire workspace.Thus the mechanism performs very well with regard to motion and force transmission and has higher practical values.