The process of the metal powder warm compaction process was simulated by the finite element analysis(FEA) software, MSC/MARC. The simulation applied thermal mechanically coupled analysis,which was based on the updated Lagrangian Method to study the influence rules of different height-diameter ratio on the properties (relative density, equivalent stress) of green. The results indicate that the influence of two factors i. e. initially loose height and green diameter on the relative density distribution is not large with the same side pressing parameter, and the rules of its distribution are basically the same.With the increasing of side pressing parameter, the distribution of green relative density is not gradually uniformity,deviation value is gradually large, and area of low density gradually widen. The study of distribution of green equivalent stress was made, the distribution presents ‘X’ shape,which is same as the deformation of upset forging. Equivalent stress in the hollow area of ‘X’ is relatively lower and this is ‘friction dying area’, equivalent stress in the area of ‘X’ lines is relatively larger and is ‘easily deformable area’.With increasing of side pressing parameter,‘friction dying area’ gradually widen.And equivalent stress of green increases with increasing of initially loose height.