First,based on the beam theory,an analytical equation of corner-filleted flexure hinge's planar rotation precision was obtained,and the closed-form planar rotation precision matrix equation was also obtained,and the simple calculation equation was reduced when r<<t.Then,using the finite element method to check the analytical equation,results show the relative errors between the analytical and finite element data are less than 5%,finite element simulation results confirm the theoretical formulation data.Finally,influence of the material parameters and structural parameters on the rotation precision were analyzed,the results are as follows:when Young's modulus E increases or Passion ratio ν decreases, then the rotation precision will be better;when the height of flexure hinge h increases,its rotation precision will be better;when 0≤s≤1,3≤q≤10,if s increases or q decreases,then the rotation precision will be better;when thickness of flexure hinge t is fixed,if the corner radio rincreases or the hinge's length l decreases,then the
rotation precision will be better;when 0.5mm≤t≤4mm and the parameters h, r, l are fixed respectively,if the thickness of flexure hinge t increases,the rotation precision will be better,and the changing radio will decrease.The above closed-form rotation precision matrix equation will be useful for the design and optimization of flexure hinges and compliant mechanisms.