Ministry of Education, China, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, 710072
2.AVIC I Xi’an Aero-engine(Group) Ltd.,Xi’an,710021
Focusing on the clean-up tool path generation for multi-patch solid model, a new efficient and robust searching approach was presented. The multi-patch solid model was considered as a whole one, no single surface on the solid body was taken out for special consideration. Initial points were selected on the part surface in the physical domain and were converted into the parametric domain to determine the search center and search direction. Search operation was then carried out in the parametric domain, and the corresponding offset point for every point in the parametric domain was calculated in the physical domain. If the distance between the offset point and the solid model satisfied the distance qualification, it was the cutter-center point. Finally, a cutter-center curve was fitted with all the searched points. Examples of components that were machined using the proposed algorithms were also presented, Results show that the proposed method is clear to understand, robust, efficient, and the quality of the resulting path is high.